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Loyalty Rewards Program

We love that you shop with us, so much that we want to REWARD you for every purchase that is made on BloomingBoutiqueBeads.com. Sign up by clicking the small blue shopping bag in the bottom right hand corner of your screen and you'll automatically earn 100 points!  

How it works: 

  • You earn points for every purchase that is made, even if there is a sale going on!  5 points for every $1 spent   
  • You also earn points by referring friends to us. 
  • You get 250 points for your birthday
  • 25 points for Following us on Instagram or Facebook

To see the full list of ways to earn points, click on the small blue shopping bag to access your account.  After signing in, you may have to click the shopping bag again to access your account. 

What can I buy with my Points?

Points can be used on any regularly priced merchandise, however, it cannot be combined with other sales, promotions, or coupon codes. 

How to redeem points:

When you have enough points to redeem (100 points = $1), you press the blue shopping bag, scroll down to where it says "Your Rewards".  If you have enough to redeem, it will say "You have rewards available."  After clicking on "Your Rewards" you select a reward in which you wish to redeem.  At this time, a coupon code will appear.  If you have items already in your cart, you can select "Apply Now" or you can write down the code and use it later.  

Other Benefits: 

Points NEVER expire!  You can continue to save your points for as long as you would like, or spend them as often as you want too! 


If you ever have an issue using your points, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@bloomingboutiquebeads.com or by telephone at 302-296-6360.